Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Sick Call Family

So here it is April 8 and we are still sick .......... First me and Nolan got sick on Feb. 28 I had a respiratory infection and a kidney infection and Nolan had a ear infection which was scary because me and Nolan where flying down to California since Rich was driving straight through to Disneyland in one day. When we got back from our trip I took Haylee and Nolan to the doctors Haylee had pneumonia and Nolan this time had two ear infections. And last week I took Molly into the doctors twice finally yesterday they called and said she has strep throat I as well was feeling sick on Sunday so I went to the doctors yesterday and I have strep throat. I can not wait until the warm weather so we can be outside in the warm sunshine........


Laura W said...

Hey April! I am so excited to see your cute family! I'll have to go through and see what you've been up to. :)

nick said...

Hi guys! I found your site on someone else's. This is Kelly Stam by the way. I cannot believe you have a little boy and your two girls are so big! The most shocking is to see Molly all grown up. I still remember her as just a little little girl. Well I hope you guys get all better! I had strep throat two weeks ago and it is so crappy! Well bye now!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

FIrst of all you were sick on my birthday...Feb 28! That sucks! Being sick bites no matter what! Your doctor is happy I'm sure! Kidney Infections hurt...or so I hear! I think your daughter looks like you? Am I missing something?