Thursday, April 17, 2008

Some fun pictures on a boring day

My tulips are taking there time of coming up.........

Can you tell that Haylee is into dressing herself......

Here he is Ottis....

Cute kids..........

Haylee and Audrey posing...........

Haylee, Nolan, and Audrey eating lunch...........


Anonymous said...

super cute pics! audrey is such a petite little thing, Haylee looks huge next to her!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

HOw fun! I love the farm animals at Thanksgiving point! I need your number...I went up there this weekend and me and the fam went to the zoo and then out to dinner with friends from the OLD HOOD! And we missed you not being there...I didn't have your number to call you! So if you it to me at! Shelle :)